Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board, erstwhile Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board has entrusted Centre for Urbanisation Buildings and Environment [CUBE] to assess the quality of the four constructed towers of 864 (S+9) EWS Tenements at K.P. Park scheme in Chennai. The tenements were used as a Corona Ward for quarantine and treatment of COVID affected patients and thereafter the tenements have been allotted to the beneficiaries with effect from Feb 2021 as stated by TNUHDB officials.
An Highly Visible and Major Breakthrough Project in TN Govt Sector Carried out Independent Quality Assessment of the completed four towers of 864 No. of EWS tenements of Stilt + 9 floors in KP Park in respect of the following:
1.1. Quality of concrete in structural elements namely columns, beams and floor slabs through conduct of appropriate Non-Destructive [NDT] and Partial Destructive [PDT] tests.
1.2. Quality of non-structural and fit-out materials.
1.3. Quality of workmanship. Recommended the areas of Improvents for safe occupation of the buildings Executed under intense public resistane, media coverage and peer pressure. CUBE extend its all out efforts to help TNUHDB out of the predicament of public outrage. Conducted an in depth and comprehensive Quality Assessment works of the constructed buildings through extensive investigation and testing to ascertain their structural soundness as well as the functionality status and provide recommendations for improvement. Completed the project with best in class industry standards and well received report specially appreciated by Chief Sceretary snd Principal Secratary to the GoTN. CUBE's Quality Assessment report has been published in the TNUHDB's website for public knowledge stands as a testament to the exemplary achievement by the technical team.
Quality Assesment works
3 Months